It has both the properties of an insulator and coolant. Unimpregnated paper or cloth is used as an insulator in large type transformers to improve the heat transfer characteristic, and the whole assembly of core and windings is poured in the oil tank. In dry type transformers generally varnish is used as an insulator. Different causes and conditions results in transformer failure but after a lot of survey and analysis it has been found that insulation failure damage the transformer mostly. Moreover it is one of the critical and costly parts of the whole Power grid, but like all other electrical machines, it has too limited life. I INTRODUCTION Transformer is the most important utility in the power system for the transmission & distribution of electric power to the consumers. Keywords - Transformer, Key Gas, Roger’s Ratio, Duvel’s Triangle. Software implementation of Key gas method, Roger’s Ratio method, National Standard method and Duvel’s Triangle method is done for the various incipient faults detection. In this paper various techniques for online condition monitoring of oil and incipient faults detection from the various dissolved gases concentration has been developed. If these failures can be predicted with some degree of confidence, sudden failures and interruption in power supply can be minimized. The failure in transformers is due to deterioration of insulation overtime. Deterioration of insulating oil and paper leads to the production of gases which gradually get dissolved in oil.

Electrical and thermal stresses lead to the degradation of the transformer oil & affect the electrical, chemical and physical properties of the oil. Oil of transformer serves as both coolant as well as insulator. Also condition monitoring reduces the maintenance cost of the system. Condition monitoring increases the transformer life and reliability by making proactive decisions in case of any failures. Hence to achieve long life of transformer, health monitoring of insulating oil and paper frequently at least on monthly basis is necessary. Shimi S.L.*2 #ġ ME Scholar, Electrical Engineering, NITTTR Chandigarh, India *2Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, NITTTR Chandigarh, India Abstract - Different causes and conditions lead to the transformer failure but it is found that the main cause of transformer failure is the damage occurring in insulating oil and paper. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 31 Number 2- January 2016ĭesign of Online Condition Assessment of Transformer Oil for Incipient Fault Detection Kamini Devi1#1, Mrs.